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Rental Interest List

Looking for an affordable place to rent?

Get on our rental interest list here.

We'll send emails about rentals that are available and coming soon. This is the best way to stay up to date on affordable rental units in Chaffee County.  



The following apartment complexes in Chaffee County are considered affordable.  Contact each of them directly to apply.


Midland Apartments, Buena Vista: 719-316-8637, Carole 

Collegiate Commons, Buena Vista: 719-966-5334

Sunrise Manor, Buena Vista: 719-395-2862, Autumn (Age 62 and over or disability)

DeAnza Vista, Poncha Springs: 719-431-0371, Jammie

Riverbend Apartments, Salida: 719-539-1950, Sasha

Salida Apartments, Salida: 719- 539-2444, Betty (Age 62 and over or disability)

Mt. Shavano Manor, Salida: 719-539-6243, BJ (Age 62 and over or disability)

Salida Ridge Apartments, Salida: 719-851-2245, Jessica​​

The 505 Apartments, Salida: 719-920-3497, Becky


Salida Apartments

1 & 2 Bedrooms, The Magpie & BlueJay:


River Village Mobile Home Park or


Salida RV Park



Many area landlords advertise their rental options on the following Facebook Groups.  These options are at the landlord’s discretion and tend to be” market rate” rather than “affordable.”​


Eviction Prevention and Emergency Rent support:


Rental Deposit Guarantee Program

Any renter who needs help getting into a new rental and has a good bill-paying history. This program assists prospective tenants to get into housing by allowing them to pay their rental deposit over the term of the lease. You can access more information and the Rental Deposit Guarantee Program Application here


Try to apply 2-4 weeks before your move in date. Coming up with first, last and deposit all at once is not easy. We guarantee that the deposit will be paid to the landlord before the term of the lease is up and the tenant makes payments on the loan for the deposit over time.


Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher: This program, operated by the Upper Arkansas Area Council of Governments in Canon City, provides eligible participants with rental subsidies. The wait list is currently closed; contact UAACOG. (719) 275-8350 (719) 275-9566


Veteran Services

This program is designed to assist Veterans and their households by either preventing homelessness or rapidly re-housing them if they are already experiencing homelessness.  Additional supportive services are also offered.  Contact Rowan Kokins 720-300-3704, or

Chaffee County Veterans Services Leisl Hammond 719-239-4678



Energy Assistance Program: Assists with weatherization of homes, manages the Colorado Affordable Residential Energy (CARE) Program and Emergency Assistance.


LEAP Energy Assistance

Department of Human Services can assist with the primary source of heating costs to income eligible residents.  Applications available Nov.1 - April 30 at the DHS office Salida - 448 E. 1st Street, Room 166 (Touber Building) - (719)530-2500 and Buena Vista - 114 Linderman Avenue (across from Library) (719)395-0344


Tenant Rights

Full Circle Restorative Justice for Landlord/Tenant Mediation services.

Eviction and Housing Legal Help | Colorado Poverty Law Project (



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