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  • Our Plan | Chaffee Housing Authority

    NECESIDADES DE VIVIENDA To follow are the results from a survey conducted by the Chaffee Housing Authority in the summer of 2021 to learn more about housing challenges in the community. Click here to view interactive results from the survey.

  • Janes Place | Chaffee Housing Authority

    El condado de Chaffee es un lugar especial construido alrededor de un paisaje increíble y una comunidad muy unida. Sin embargo, nuestro valle enfrenta una miríada de desafíos, y el principal de estos desafíos es el acceso de vivienda para la creciente y diversa fuerza laboral, las familias y las personas en crisis, los voluntarios de Americorps y más que se esfuerzan por llamar hogar a este lugar. La Fundación Comunitaria del Condado de Chaffee (CCCF, siglas en inglés) junto con la Autoridad de Vivienda de Chaffee (CHA, siglas en inglés) proponen un proyecto de vivienda innovador y flexible, llamado Jane's Place, cerca del corazón del centro de Salida en la intersección de la calle 3rd y la carretera 291 en Salida. ¿Qué es el Hogar de Jane? ​ Jane's Place es un proyecto heredado que honra a la visión de la difunta Jane Whitmer. Este proyecto traerá 17 unidades de vivienda a la comunidad de Salida, diseñadas para atender las necesidades locales inmediatas. Los empleados de temporada, las nuevos reclutados a nuestra fuerza laboral, las familias y las personas en crisis y los voluntarios de Americorps serán atendidos directamente a través de Jane's Place. Además, el proyecto incluirá una incubadora sin fines de lucro y una cafetería para empresas sociales. ​ Bummer, but how can I help? In order to build Jane’s Place, voters must pass the ballot measure to retain revenue. If you’d like to get involved to raise awareness, we’d love to hear from you. Contact . Thank you for your continued support of housing in Chaffee County. ​ What if ballot measure 6B passes? If 6B passes, CHA plans to begin construction on Jane’s Place in the winter of 2024-2025 following the election, pending closing on the financing with High Country Bank and contractor availability. ​ ​ What if ballot measure 6B fails? CHA will have to return millions of dollars of state grants making it extremely difficult for CHA to construct Jane's Place. ​ ​ The Board of County Commissioners could potentially form a single jurisdiction housing authority. All funds raised would need to be transferred to the new single jurisdiction housing authority. Single jurisdiction housing authorities are not subject to revenue restrictions, unlike multi-jurisdictional housing authorities. DONATE TO JANE'S PLACE EL LUGAR DE JANE Photo credit Phreckles Photography. May 18, 2023 Chaffee Housing Authority forms Jane's Place Committee At its last Board of Directors meeting on May 18, 2023, the Chaffee Housing Authority (CHA) formed an ad hoc committee devoted to ensuring that Jane’s Place begins construction as soon as possible. ​ “Establishing this Jane’s Place committee is an exciting next step that will ensure this one-of-a-kind project gets to the finish line as quickly and efficiently as possible,” said Joseph Teipel, the Committee Chair. “The folks around the table on a weekly basis represent the commitment, diversity, and collaboration that has been intrinsic to this project since day one. With phase I construction complete, we are on the path to going vertical as soon as we possibly can.” ​ The Jane’s Place Committee has the authority to develop plans and strategies related to the financing, partnership management, funding, future operational planning, and communications for Jane’s Place. Major decisions involving fiduciary oversight will be brought to the full CHA Board for discussion and approval. The committee is taking on four key initiatives. First, the committee is overseeing, reviewing, and supporting the financing of the project. Second, the committee is working to verify documentation of all partnerships related to the project and open the lines of communications with partners. Third, the committee is creating an implementation plan to close funding gaps, including grant research and writing, individual donor requests, confirmation of naming and sponsorship opportunities, and relationship management. Finally, the committee is developing and implementing a communications plan involving regular status updates to the community and key stakeholders. The committee is documenting all key initiatives in a written action plan with who/what/when reporting timelines. In creating the committee, the CHA Board partnered with the Community Foundation and Achieve, two organizations that will occupy space as tenants in the project. Betsy Dittenber of the Community Foundation had the following comment: “We are honored to have played a role in the Jane's Place project since its inception. Serving as a critical puzzle piece in community-driven initiatives is a core part of our mission as a community foundation. We are glad to have a more formalized structure to continue to help Chaffee Housing Authority advance their project.” Chaffee Housing Authority hosts Jane’s Place Celebration of Phase One El proyecto de Jane's Place recibió apoyo con una donación de $350,000 del Departamento de Servicios Humanos del Condado de Chaffee COMUNICADO DE PRENSA: 10 de febrero del 2022 Recientemente la Junta de Comisionados del Condado de Chaffee (BOCC, siglas en inglés) y el Departamento de Servicios Humanos (DHS, siglas en inglés) lograron otro impacto financiero positivo para un proyecto prioritario dentro de la comunidad, al aprobar una donación de $350,000 para apoyar el proyecto de la Autoridad de Vivienda de Chaffee llamado Jane's Place. ​ La contribución es una reasignación presupuestaria especial por única vez que transferirá fondos de las reservas del DHS para apoyar la construcción del proyecto de vivienda adaptable en la intersección de la calle 3rd y carretera 291 en Salida. Jane's Place traerá 17 apartamentos a la comunidad de Salida, diseñados para satisfacer las necesidades locales inmediatas de vivienda para personal temporal, mano de obra local, familias e individuos en crisis y voluntarios de Americorps. Además, el proyecto incluirá un espacio de trabajo compartido sin fines de lucro y una cafetería de empresa social. ​ El director del DHS, Dave Henson, comentó: “Alojamiento sigue siendo un área de gran necesidad para las familias y los niños a los que servimos a través del DHS. El modelo creativo que se está implementando a través de Jane's Place puede ayudarnos a brindar estabilidad de vivienda a nuestros clientes y mejorar el acceso continuo a otros servicios de apoyo a través de esta asociación directa con la Autoridad de Vivienda de Chaffee". ​ El Departamento de Servicios Humanos y BOCC presupuestaron un total de $1 millón para apoyo por única vez de proyectos locales en el 2022, aprovechando la reserva de saldo de fondos del DHS para apoyar iniciativas alineadas con la misión en el condado. Además de estos fondos proporcionados a Jane's Place, en diciembre el DHS apoyó una contribución de $500,000 al Club de Boys and Girls del condado de Chaffee para su instalación en Buena Vista. El BOCC también continúa evaluando formas de apoyar las necesidades relacionadas con la primera infancia dentro del condado y espera aplicar el saldo restante de la asignación única del DHS a esta causa en los próximos meses. ​ Jan Schmidt, Gerente de Finanzas de DHS, explicó: “DHS se complace en tener la oportunidad de apoyar otras necesidades de servicios humanos locales, incluidas soluciones como Jane’s Place, mediante el uso de nuestras reservas. Consideramos que estos proyectos son complementarios a nuestro trabajo central y creemos que ayudarán a profundizar los impactos positivos del DHS”. La directora de la Autoridad de Vivienda de Chaffee (CHA, siglas en ingles), Becky Gray, compartió su agradecimiento: “Esta contribución a Jane’s Place demuestra un compromiso y apoyo significativos para intervenciones innovadoras de vivienda asequible como Jane’s Place. Nuestra asociación con DHS continúa creciendo en colaboración, y espero con ansias cómo se desarrollarán estas colaboraciones en Jane's Place". ​ La Autoridad de Vivienda de Chaffee estima que los costos de desarrollo de Jane's Place serán de aproximadamente $4.55 millones. Con la contribución del condado de Chaffee, CHA ha asegurado casi $2,645,000 en apoyo a través de subvenciones, apoyo de fundaciones, donaciones y contribuciones de la Ciudad de Salida. El Comité de Campaña Capital de Jane's Place informa que muchos donantes locales han contribuido al proyecto, con un total de más de $375,000 en contribuciones comunitarias. Photo credit Phreckles Photography. DONATE TO JANE'S PLACE Video created by 50 West Productions and intern Cooper Hodge. ​ Los formularios de compromiso completos o cualquier pregunta sobre este proyecto se pueden enviar por correo electrónico a 719-530-2590. DONATE TO JANE'S PLACE Past Fundraiser Night of the Nutcracker A grand thank you to everyone who participated in the Night of the Nutcracker. Not only was it a wonderful evening enjoying dance excerpts from Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker, but it was an amazing tribute to our dear friend Jane Whitmer. ​

  • Our Plan | Chaffee Housing Authority

    NECESIDADES DE VIVIENDA There are no job postings at this time.

  • Housing | Chaffee Housing Authority

    Chaffee Housing Authority Overview Chaffee Housing Authority (CHA) is an independent public organization, formed in 2020 through a joint agreement between Chaffee County, the City of Salida, and the Town of Buena Vista. CHA’s purpose is to be a community leader partnering for inclusive and secure housing. CHA envisions a thriving community with housing for all. CHA’s mission is delivering housing units and stability through partner-driven development, education and advocacy, and impactful programming. Partner-driven Development: By the end of 2024, CHA’s goal is to add 75 deed-restricted, rental units (13.6% of the 2027 need identified in the 2022 Housing Needs Assessment prepared by CHA) to Chaffee County by constructing Jane’s Place and supporting the lease up of The Midland Apartments (formerly known as Carbonate Street) in partnership with Fading West. The Midland Apartments (formerly known as Carbonate Street) : CHA entered into a special limited partnership with Fading West in 2023 to provide sales and property tax abatement to the Midland Apartments development. The Midland Apartments is a 60-unit deed-restricted affordable housing project with 30 studio, 24 one-bedroom, and 6 two-bedroom units that will serve the workforce and residents of Chaffee County making 80-120% of the Area Median Income (AMI). CHA will be responsible for the third-party employment verification of the tenants at The Midland Apartments. Jane’s Place : CHA is also developing and will manage Jane’s Place, a unique, mixed-use development located in Salida. Without debrucing, CHA will have to return millions of dollars of state grants making it extremely difficult for CHA to construct Jane's Place. Learn more here. The development will consist of four buildings that will deliver 17 flexible housing units as well as a nonprofit coworking and social enterprise space. The housing units were designed with direct input from community members and organizations to serve folks in transition needing affordable housing. Residents will include homeless individuals and families, AmeriCorps volunteers, and County workforce making between 80% and 100% of the AMI. Jane’s Place will also be home to a social enterprise coffee shop that serves as a workforce development learning space for neurodiverse adults and a nonprofit coworking space with meeting rooms. The combined focus of flexible housing, workforce development, and nonprofit capacity building - nestled in a larger mixed-use development in the heart of Salida’s rural community truly will bring people together, foster connections, and provide infrastructure to foster a more deeply connected community for years to come. Other Development Partnerships : CHA also aims to add an additional 75 deed restricted, rental units to be built in the next three years by securing formal, diverse developer partnerships. As of January 2024, CHA is currently in talks with three different developers to form these partnerships - one in Salida, one in Buena Vista, and one in Chaffee County. CHA applied for a land banking grant in 2023 with the developer in Chaffee County to acquire a two-acre parcel. ​ The 505 Apartments : CHA entered into a contract to purchase The 505 Apartments in May 2024 to keep it from becoming another property where rents nearly double after being sold to private investors. Voters must pass the ballot measure in November 2024 in order for CHA to close on the property and preserve the 19 affordable units. The 505 Apartments is a 19-unit affordable housing project with 3 one-bedroom, and 16 two-bedroom units. It is currently fully occupied and houses 32 Salida residents. CHA has raised $1.9 million in low-interest state loan funds to help with the purchase. If the ballot initiative passes and CHA is able to close on The 505, it will be able to preserve the apartments as permanently affordable to residents making between 80-140% AMI. Education & Advocacy: CHA is heavily involved with education and advocacy work in Chaffee County. CHA leadership routinely advocates in front of local jurisdictions for local policy and land use decisions that benefit affordable housing and on behalf of affordable housing development projects. CHA partnered to form the Housing Solutions Coalition with the Chaffee County Community Foundation, the Chaffee Housing Trust, and the Chaffee County EDC to advocate for housing as the top issue facing Chaffee County. The Coalition joined together to elevate the message that the time is now to find housing solutions, believing that we can make our community a place where all members can thrive by working together. CHA also provides information for homeowners, tenants and landlords on its website and has a speaker series on Housing & Health available to the public and through KHEN, our local public radio station, known as We Are Chaffee . CHA also serves as an information hub for both tenants and landlords regarding Fair Housing laws and resources for lease mediation. ​ ​ Impactful Programming: CHA’s programming efforts includes managing deed restrictions for the Salida Inclusionary Housing Program, leading the Continuum of Care (CoC), providing housing navigation services, and operating the Rental Deposit Guarantee Program. Inclusionary Housing Program : CHA collaborates with the City of Salida in their campaign to maintain and develop housing that is affordable. As the City and local developers build deed-restricted Inclusionary Housing, both rentals and ownership units, CHA qualifies potential residents for each opportunity. These opportunities are restricted to folks who reside and work in Chaffee County and make a certain area median income level. Continuum of Care (CoC) : A Continuum of Care is a model of service where community organizations partner to connect unhoused or housing insecure clients with resources appropriate to their situations. CHA started the CoC in Chaffee County. The organizations that meet regularly in Chaffee County’s CoC include CHA, the Department of Human Services, Chaffee Hospitality Inc., the school districts, Veterans Services, SolVista Health, Upper Arkansas Area Council of Governments and the Alliance. If a family or individual loses their housing, the CoC organizations collaborate to support them in identifying both short-term and long-term housing solutions and providing support in other areas such as household goods, health care navigation, mental health resources, and assistance with replacing or securing vital documents. Housing Navigation Services are available to all community members regarding all housing resources, from those experiencing homelessness to those looking to buy inclusionary or deed-restricted homes. CHA is a hub of housing information for tenants, landlords, homeowners and homebuyers. Rental Deposit Guarantee Program : CHA also operates the Rental Deposit Guarantee Program that provides a zero interest loan to a tenant for their security deposit on a new lease. Approved tenants repay the loan over the course of the lease. The RDGP is intended to reduce the upfront costs associated with a new rental housing lease agreement and is available to Chaffee County residents who earn up to 120% of the Area Median Income.

  • We Are Chaffee | Chaffee Housing Authority

    We Are Chaffee busca unir voces diversas para reconocer nuestras similitudes y comprender nuestras diferencias honestas. ​ Nuestra misión es construir una comunidad más resistente a través del poder del intercambio de historias y el compromiso. ​ ¿Por qué Historias? ​ We Are Chaffee se esfuerza por recopilar, resaltar y preservar las historias de los miembros de la comunidad del condado de Chaffee. Cuando tomamos tiempo para escuchar la historia de alguien, podemos comenzar a comprender cómo todos estamos conectados y cómo podemos extender la empatía y la conexión entre nosotros. ​ Visítenos en PROYECTOS STORIES OF HOUSING PODCASTS Miki Hodge and Becky Gray, on lessons from the Rainbow Family, confetti joy and bringing Jane's Place to life. LISTEN HERE ... (Publication Date: 11.01.22) ​ Alexandra Restrepo, on childhood with a drug-addicted mother, the enduring love of her father, and fighting for her biggest dream LISTEN HERE... (Publication Date: 8.23.22) ​ ​ ​ Andrea Carlstrom, Director of Public Health & Environment & Becky Gray, Director of Chaffee Housing Authority talk about Public Health & Housing with Ken Matthew s on KHEN Radio LISTEN HERE... (Publication Date: 7.26.22) ​ VIDEO STORYTELLING By sharing our stories intentionally, and listening intently, we can identify the similarities between us and understand a bit better the impact that our collective policy decisions have on one another. Sharing stories can empower individuals who have historically been silent, due to perceived positions of power. The following stories were recorded through the Housing+ Health program to help educate the community about our neighbors struggling with housing insecurities. All Videos Reproducir video Reproducir video 04:10 Paula Berg - A search for Home A storyteller reminisces about her childhood housing conditions, as she supports her family in Chaffee County, Colorado. Reproducir video Reproducir video 04:04 John ONeal - On the trail to find shelter A storyteller's version of the long road to find and create shelters for others throughout his life. Reproducir video Reproducir video 03:29 Araya Rodrigues-Searching for Housing A high schooler's attempt of finding safe and secure housing in Chaffee County during her senior year. Reproducir video Reproducir video 03:28 Deb Bass O'Brien Making a Home in Salida Deb shares her story as she moves to Salida, Colorado and sets roots in the community. Fortunately, she purchased a home years ago, as she would not be able to afford to purchase a home now with current real estate prices. Reproducir video Reproducir video 03:22 Michele Williams - Life is a Team Effort Michele, a born leader, and counselor, always looking for ways to help others, finds herself in a position where she must rely on others for help. Although challenging, she reaches out to others to help her get back on her feet. Reproducir video Reproducir video 03:55 Megan Juba - Finding Home Megan shares her struggle with the question "where are you from?" Having lived in many apartments, rooms, and homes throughout her life, she struggles with the answer. However, one constant for her during this time is the comfort and love of her mother.

  • Tenant Application | Chaffee Housing Authority

    Solicitud de inquilino de la Autoridad de Vivienda de Chaffee Chaffee County’s Rental Deposit Guarantee Program (RDGP) offers security deposit assistance to residents of Chaffee County who are seeking to enter a new rental housing lease agreement. Approved applicants receive assistance (in an amount equal to the security deposit, not to exceed $2,000) via a Promissory Note (not cash) for the landlord, and an interest-free Repayment Agreement (“Payment Plan”) for the tenant. RDGP assistance is intended to reduce the upfront costs associated with a new rental housing lease agreement. Income Eligibility Guidelines RDGP assistance is available to Chaffee County residents who earn up to 120% of the Area Median Income: ​ In order to be eligible for the Rental Deposit Guarantee Program, the applicant’s household must meet the income eligibility guidelines above, be able to maintain the monthly rental fee on the unit, be able to complete the RDGP Payment Plan within up to 12 months (not to exceed the initial term of the lease), never have defaulted on a prior RDGP Payment Plan, and be able to provide all of the following: an accurate, complete and legible application; documentation of all income and expenses; positive references from previous landlords; a written legal lease from the new landlord; a signed RDGP landlord form (stating that the new landlord understands the RDGP and is willing to participate in the program knowing that they will not receive cash upfront). ​ Applicants may be denied if: they do not submit an accurate, complete and legible application with the required supporting documentation; they do not meet the income eligibility guidelines; the Office of Housing is unable to verify their employment or income; it is determined that they cannot afford the rental unit; they have a prior history of damaging rental housing; they have consistently failed to pay rent in the past; they have failed to pay and/or defaulted on a prior RDGP Repayment Agreement (“Payment Plan”). The RDGP is not an emergency assistance program; the application process may require 10 or more business days to complete, beginning the date a completed application, with all supporting documentation, is received. If you have any questions, please call the Rental Deposit Guarantee Program at ‪719-530-2590. ​ If you are interested in learning more about the RDGP, please fill out the information below: Thank you for providing us with your information, we look forward to working with you on the Rental Deposit Guarantee Program. We will contact you to verify eligibility and have you fill out an application. If you have questions, please contact us at 719-530-2590.

  • Join our Board | Chaffee Housing Authority

    JOIN OUR BOARD Please complete this Google Form application to apply to join the CHA board. CHAFFEE HOUSING AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTOR JOB DESCRIPTION AND EXPECTATIONS (ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 21, 2023) General Statement of Duties: The Board of Directors’ responsibilities include active involvement as an advocate for the Chaffee Housing Authority (CHA) and affordable housing opportunities in general, participation in Board Development training opportunities, and providing governing direction and oversight of the activities conducted by CHA. Board members meet every month to provide governing direction and oversight to the Executive Director of the CHA; review progress on the CHA Strategic Plan; review, analyze, and approve financial records; review, evaluate, and make recommendations on housing policies, programs, and development opportunities; advocate for funding to support affordable housing developments in Chaffee County; advocate for affordable housing opportunities and programs in general; provide direction and oversight to CHA ED; and assist with additional opportunities as they may arise. Essential Functions: The following are essential functions of the Board of Directors, but not intended to be an exhaustive list of responsibilities or qualifications. As volunteers, the Board of Directors will need the ability to discern and perform other duties as requested and as program design and changes dictate. Performs duties as follows: Understand and adhere to the contents of the Intergovernmental Agreement that created the CHA and the Bylaws governing its operation; Understand and adhere to the contents of the Intergovernmental Funding Agreement that established funding for the CHA through 2023; Understand and adhere to the CHA Justice Equity Diversity and Inclusion Policy ; Oversee the financial affairs of the Organization; Hire and oversee the performance of the CHA Executive Director, including an annual written and/or oral performance review; Review, contribute to, and adopt/update a Strategic Plan annually, including Values, Mission, and Vision; Approve and monitor the operating budget of the CHA; Review, contribute to, and adopt a yearly Annual Report; Direct CHA per adopted policy and procedures; Enthusiastically promote programs and projects of the CHA; Maintain confidentiality and apply discretion to when, how, and to whom person al information is shared regarding clients and/or projects in accordance with the CHA Conflicts of Interest Memorandum; Dependably perform other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors or CHA Executive Director; Work on one or more individual standing committees, as selected. Required Knowledge, Skill, and Ability: Individuals interested in serving on the CHA must meet the following minimum qualifications: Must be at least 18 years of age; Must be a full-time resident of Chaffee County; 3. Must have effective communication skills, both in person and in writing. 4. Must have a passion for affordable housing and serving the community. CHA Board Member Expectations I understand that as a member of the Board of Directors of CHA, I have a legal and ethical responsibility to ensure that the organization does the best work possible in pursuit of its goals. I believe in the purpose and the mission of the organization, and I will act responsibly and prudently as its steward. As part of my responsibilities as a board member: ​ 1. I will interpret the organization's work and values to the community, represent the organization, and act as a spokesperson. Specifically, if I am an elected official appointed to represent the jurisdiction to which I am elected, I will act as a conduit of information from the CHA Board to my elected governing body. ​ 2. In turn, I will interpret our constituencies' needs and values to the organization, speak out for their interests, and on their behalf, hold the organization accountable. ​ 3. I will connect with the external community to promote the organization's mission, values and programs (for example, through recruiting new board members, volunteers and donors, and expanding the organization's network of supporters). ​ 4. I will adhere to the following responsibilities and minimum standards: Must always represent CHA in a favorable manner, including in the public arena, and if speaking on behalf of the CHA at any public meeting, must always coordinate efforts with the CHA ED to assure a consistent and aligned message. Must commit to spending a minimum of 10 hours per month to the organization outside of regular board meetings. Must serve on at least one CHA standing committee (and serve on Ad Hoc committees as requested by the CHA Executive Director or the Board Chair). Must attend at least 75% of all CHA board meetings, special meetings, committee meetings, trainings, retreats and special events. Must completely and thoroughly read all material in the BOD meeting packet and come to all BOD meetings fully prepared to discuss and vote on action items and discussion items. Must ask questions to the CHA ED and or Board Chair if you have any questions before the meeting. Must maintain appropriate behavior at all BOD meetings and participate in discussion. Must maintain positive working relationships with other board members and CHA staff. Must exhibit a high level of tolerance and self-control for a wide range of human emotion, behavior, and background, treating all people with fairness, respect, and dignity, and work effectively with widely diverse groups. Must maintain phone and email communication with CHA Executive Director and CHA Board Chair; Commit to using proper channels for communication including work phones and work emails, and respect staff personal time when communicating. Must recognize potential conflicts of interests and disclose appropriately. Must be able to maintain confidential information. Must bring any issues that may arise to the attention of the CHA ED and Board Chair. Must notify the CHA ED and Board Chair via email if you are unable to attend any CHA meetings and, if appropriate, copy your Alternate Board Director and authorize them to vote on your behalf. 5. I will actively participate in one or more fundraising activities. ​ 6. I will recuse myself from discussions and votes where I have a conflict of interest. ​ 7. I will stay informed about what's going on in the organization. I will ask questions and request information. I will participate in and take responsibility for making decisions on issues, policies, and other matters. I will not stay silent if I have questions or concerns. ​ 8. While I am a member of this board, I will make every effort to vote in every public election. ​ 9. I will work in good faith with staff and other board members as partners toward achievement of our goals. ​ 10. If I don't fulfill these commitments and responsibilities to the organization, I understand the Board Chair will call me to discuss and attempt to remedy. If the situation cannot be resolved, the Chair will bring the matter to the full board for resolution, which may result in my removal from the CHA Board. The organization is responsible to the Board members for... 1. I will be sent, without having to request them, quarterly financial reports and an update of organizational activities that allow me to meet the "prudent person" standards of the law. (The "prudent person rule," applied in many legal settings in slightly differing language, states that an individual must act with the same judgment and care as, in similar circumstances, a prudent person would act.) ​ 2. Opportunities will be offered to me to discuss with the Executive Director and the Board Chair the organization's programs, goals, activities, and status; additionally, I can request such opportunities. ​ 3. The organization will help me perform my duties by keeping me informed about issues in the industry and field in which we are working and by offering me opportunities for professional development as a board member. ​ 4. Board members and staff will respond in a straightforward fashion to questions that I feel are necessary to carry out my fiscal, legal, and moral responsibilities to this organization. Board members and staff will work in good faith with me toward achievement of our goals. ​ 5. If the organization does not fulfill its commitments to me, I can call on the board chair and executive director to discuss the organization's responsibilities to me.

  • Meeting Minutes | Chaffee Housing Authority

    MEETING MINUTES & RECORDINGS 08.15.24 Meeting Minutes 07.18.24 Meeting Minutes 06.25.24 Meeting Minutes 05.16.24 Meeting Minutes 05.01.24 Special Meeting Minutes 04.18.24 Meeting Minutes 04.04.24 Special Meeting Minutes 03.26.24 Special Meeting Minutes 03.21.24 Meeting Minutes ​ 03.07.24 Special Meeting Minutes ​ 02.22.24 Meeting Minutes ​ ​ 01.18.24 Meeting Minutes 12.21.23 Meeting Minutes 11.30.23 Training - No Minutes 11.16.23 Meeting Minutes 11.15.23 Work Session Minutes 10.19.23 Meeting Minutes 09.21.23 Meeting Minutes 08.17.23 Meeting Minutes 07.20.23 Meeting Minutes 06.15.23 Meeting Minutes 05.18.23 Meeting Minutes 04.20.23 Meeting Minutes 03.16.23 Meeting Minutes 02.16.23 Meeting Minutes 01.19.23 Meeting Minutes 09.19.24 Recording 08.15.24 Recording 07.18.24 Recording N/A 06.25.24 Recording 05.16.24 Recording 05.01.24 Special Mtg Recording #1 05.01.24 Special Mtg Recording #2 04.18.24 Recording 04.04.24 Special Mtg Recording #1 04.04.24 Special Mtg Recording #2 03.26.24 Special Mtg Recording #1 03.26.24 Special Mtg Recording #2 03.21.24 Recording #1 03.21.24 Recording #2 03.07.24 Special Mtg Recording #1 03.07.24 Special Mtg Recording #2 02.22.24 Recording #1 02.22.24 Recording #2 02.22.24 Recording #3 01.18.24 Recording 12.21.23 Recording 11.30.23 Board Training Recording 11.16.23 Recording 11.15.23 Work Session Recording 10.19.23 Recording N/A 09.21.23 Recording 08.17.23 Recording 07.20.23 Recording 06.15.23 Recording 05.18.23 Recording N/A 04.20.23 Re cording N/A 03.16.23 Recording N/A 02.16.23 Recording N/A 01.19.23 Recording N/A

  • Our Plan | Chaffee Housing Authority

    REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SKILLED FACILITATOR Request for Proposals: Skilled Facilitator ​ Purpose ​ Chaffee Housing Authority (CHA) is seeking a skilled facilitator to assist our organization in hosting a series of six listening sessions in Chaffee County during February, March, and April 2023. ​ We are committed to engaging community members in meaningful ways, hearing feedback about our programs, projects, and policies, and hearing input on what the community would like to see the organization attend to in the future. The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to solicit proposals from experienced and skilled group facilitators. Successful facilitators will provide the following services: ​ 1. Provide leadership, direction, and expert consultation and advice related to the design of the listening session events, the questions asked, and other data collection strategies. ​ 2. Plan and coordinate the details of each focus group event, including reserving appropriate locations and coordinating with CHA staff for participation incentives, such as meals, childcare, and/or transportation. The Chaffee County Housing and Health team can support these efforts. ​ 3. Work with CHA staff and the Housing and Health team to establish marketing, press releases, and direct invitations to the listening session events. ​ 4. Facilitate six listening sessions with the following sectors, with equal representation on the south and north end of the Upper Arkansas Valley within Chaffee County: ​ Landlords/Property Managers Tenants and First time Home Buyers Short Term Rental Owners ​ 4. Provide a written report of input from each sector’s listening session, including prioritized recommendations and/or next steps. ​ 5. Provide deliverables that support and document the work performed throughout the process. The expected deliverable is a professional written report and oral presentation documenting the listening session participants input on key areas that will inform the Chaffee Housing Authority’s Board of Directors as they evaluate internal programs, processes, and policies through 2026. ​ ​ ​ CHA RFP Skilled Facilitator January 2023 ​ The funding for this initiative comes through the Colorado Department of PHE, HDCGP and is exclusively for the purpose of engaging the community in policies and systems to support CHA programs. ​ Scope of Project The consultant will work with the Director of Housing and CHA staff to accomplish the following: ​ • Establish Focus group questions; • Establish Focus Group dates, times, and locations; • Establish invitation lists for Focus Groups; • Promote each focus group on traditional media and social media; • Facilitate robust conversations focused on the established questions; • Write a report of findings, including recommendations for the strategic direction of CHA’s program and policies, based on the Focus Group questions. • Present the report of findings to the CHA Board of Directors during one of their regularly scheduled meetings. Required Qualifications • Demonstrated experience in facilitating groups to consensus-based recommendations; • Experience at creating a neutral environment for, and soliciting input from, individuals from various sectors; • Experience at gathering and using data to articulate strategic recommendations; • Experience in inspiring others to think creatively and innovatively; • Ability to ensure all participants have equal opportunity to provide input; ​ Instructions to Applicants ​ Please submit a proposal, no more than 3 pages, highlighting the following: ​ - Your prior relevant experience; - Your approach to ensuring equitable representation and participating during focus groups; - Your approach to collecting qualitative and quantitative data during focus groups; - Your approach to translating qualitative and quantitative data into recommendations; - A detailed timeline for the project, to be completed no later than April 30, 2023; - A detailed budget for the project, not to exceed $15,000, including payment terms. ​ Please email your proposal to , no later than 5:00 pm MST on March 1, 2023. ​ Timeline January 27, 2023 - RFQ released March 1, 2023 - RFQ due March 15 – April 30, 2023 - Planning March 2023 - Execution of work April 2023 - Presentation of Findings to BOD

  • RDGP | Chaffee Housing Authority

    RECURSOS PARA PROPIETARIOS Chaffee County’s Rental Deposit Guarantee Program (RDGP) offers security deposit assistance to residents of Chaffee County who are seeking to enter a new rental housing lease agreement. Approved applicants receive assistance (in an amount equal to the security deposit, not to exceed $1,500) via a Promissory Note (not cash) for the landlord, and an interest-free Repayment Agreement (“Payment Plan”) for the tenant. RDGP assistance is intended to reduce the upfront costs associated with a new rental housing lease agreement. ​ Income Eligibility Guidelines ​ RDGP assistance is available to Chaffee County residents who earn up to 120% of the Area Median Income: In order to be eligible for the Rental Deposit Guarantee Program, the applicant’s household must meet the income eligibility guidelines above, be able to maintain the monthly rental fee on the unit, be able to complete the RDGP Payment Plan within up to 12 months (not to exceed the initial term of the lease), never have defaulted on a prior RDGP Payment Plan, and be able to provide all of the following: ​ an accurate, complete and legible application; documentation of all income and expenses; positive references from previous landlords; a written legal lease from the new landlord; a signed RDGP landlord form (stating that the new landlord understands the RDGP and is willing to participate in the program knowing that they will not receive cash upfront). Applicants may be denied if: they do not submit an accurate, complete and legible application with the required supporting documentation; they do not meet the income eligibility guidelines; the Chaffee Housing Authority is unable to verify their employment or income; it is determined that they cannot afford the rental unit; they have a prior history of damaging rental housing; they have consistently failed to pay rent in the past; they have failed to pay and/or defaulted on a prior RDGP Repayment Agreement (“Payment Plan”). The RDGP is not an emergency assistance program; the application process may require 10 or more business days to complete, beginning the date a completed application, with all supporting documentation, is received. If you have any questions, please call the Rental Deposit Guarantee Program at ‪719-530-2590. ​ If you are interested in learning more about the RDGP, please fill out the information below: Thank you for providing us with your information, we look forward to working with you on the Rental Deposit Guarantee Program. We will contact you to verify eligibility and have you fill out an application. If you have questions, please contact us at 719-530-2590.

  • Housing Health | Chaffee Housing Authority

    Más viviendas asequibles significa mejor salud para nuestra comunidad. ​ En el condado de Chaffee, creemos que todos tienen derecho a una vivienda adecuada y buena salud. Desafortunadamente, ese es un objetivo en el que todavía estamos trabajando. En nuestro condado, todavía hay demasiadas personas que no pueden acceder a viviendas asequibles. Los estudios y las experiencias de nuestro condado y estado nos dicen que la falta de viviendas asequibles también exacerba los problemas de salud, incluidas las enfermedades respiratorias, la mala salud mental, las enfermedades infecciosas y la presión arterial alta. ​ Alojamiento y salud van de la mano. El sitio de Housing + Health brinda recursos, educación e historias de la comunidad para ayudarlo a comprender los desafíos y las soluciones que enfrenta el condado de Chaffee en la actualidad. ​ Haga clic aquí para obtener más información PROYECTOS

  • Housing Solutions Coalition | Chaffee Housing Authority

    PLAN ESTRATEGICO La Autoridad de Vivienda de Chaffee (CHA) es una organización pública independiente, formada en octubre de 2020 a través de un acuerdo conjunto entre el condado de Chaffee, la ciudad de Salida y el pueblo de Buena Vista. El trabajo de la CHA se enfoca únicamente en aumentar las viviendas asequibles en todo el condado. Este Plan Estratégico 2022-2026, el primero de la organización, fue desarrollado por el personal y la junta inaugural en medio de una crisis de vivienda sin precedentes que afecta al condado de Chaffee, que se ha complicado y exacerbado por la pandemia de COVID-19. Estas amenazas duales han hecho que este plan sea más urgente, incluso cuando lo que está en juego ha aumentado para aquellos que luchan por vivir en el condado. Esta hoja de ruta estratégica sirve como guía para los próximos cinco años de operaciones de la organización. Fue informado directamente por aportes de la comunidad, incluida la encuesta más reciente de CHA que recopiló comentarios de casi 300 residentes con problemas de vivienda. También pretende reflejar las prioridades y las colaboraciones con el gobierno local, los grupos comunitarios y los líderes empresariales, todos los cuales también están trabajando para garantizar que los trabajadores y las familias locales, los más afectados por la escasez de viviendas asequibles y seguras en nuestra comunidad: tener un lugar al que llamar hogar. ● Innovative approaches and sustainable funding streams to promote housing density and address the housing crisis in Chaffee County. ● Policies that support a public/private ecosystem that builds housing to meet the needs of our community and its subgroups (workforce, employers, etc.) ● Maximizing available resources, existing assets, and new tools to attain housing for all income ranges through good policy and sound practices. ● Housing development throughout the income range, including “market rate” development beyond the currently accepted “affordable” range of up to 120% of Local Area Median Income. ● Opportunities to provide local resident households the opportunity to build financial equity, establish stability, and pursue opportunities to create intergenerational wealth and a sustainable community. ● Code and process improvements to remove barriers and expedite development that aligns with the housing needs of our community. The mission of the Housing Solutions Coalition is to provide a cohesive vision and voice to support projects and policies that address the housing crisis.

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