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Request for Proposals: Skilled Facilitator


Chaffee Housing Authority (CHA) is seeking a skilled facilitator to assist our organization in hosting a series of six listening sessions in Chaffee County during February, March, and April 2023.

We are committed to engaging community members in meaningful ways, hearing feedback about our programs, projects, and policies, and hearing input on what the community would like to see the organization attend to in the future. The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to solicit proposals from experienced and skilled group facilitators. Successful facilitators will provide the following services:

1. Provide leadership, direction, and expert consultation and advice related to the design of the listening session events, the questions asked, and other data collection strategies.

2. Plan and coordinate the details of each focus group event, including reserving appropriate locations and coordinating with CHA staff for participation incentives, such as meals, childcare, and/or transportation. The Chaffee County Housing and Health team can support these efforts.

3. Work with CHA staff and the Housing and Health team to establish marketing, press releases, and direct invitations to the listening session events.

4. Facilitate six listening sessions with the following sectors, with equal representation on the south and north end of the Upper Arkansas Valley within Chaffee County:

  • Landlords/Property Managers

  • Tenants and First time Home Buyers

  • Short Term Rental Owners

4. Provide a written report of input from each sector’s listening session, including prioritized recommendations and/or next steps.

5. Provide deliverables that support and document the work performed throughout the process.

The expected deliverable is a professional written report and oral presentation documenting the listening session participants input on key areas that will inform the Chaffee Housing Authority’s Board of Directors as they evaluate internal programs, processes, and policies through 2026.

CHA RFP Skilled Facilitator January 2023

The funding for this initiative comes through the Colorado Department of PHE, HDCGP and is exclusively for the purpose of engaging the community in policies and systems to support CHA programs.

Scope of Project

The consultant will work with the Director of Housing and CHA staff to accomplish the following:

• Establish Focus group questions;

• Establish Focus Group dates, times, and locations;

• Establish invitation lists for Focus Groups;

• Promote each focus group on traditional media and social media;

• Facilitate robust conversations focused on the established questions;

• Write a report of findings, including recommendations for the strategic direction of CHA’s program and policies, based on the Focus Group questions.

• Present the report of findings to the CHA Board of Directors during one of their regularly scheduled meetings.

Required Qualifications

• Demonstrated experience in facilitating groups to consensus-based recommendations;

• Experience at creating a neutral environment for, and soliciting input from, individuals from various sectors;

• Experience at gathering and using data to articulate strategic recommendations;

• Experience in inspiring others to think creatively and innovatively;

• Ability to ensure all participants have equal opportunity to provide input;

Instructions to Applicants

Please submit a proposal, no more than 3 pages, highlighting the following:

- Your prior relevant experience;

- Your approach to ensuring equitable representation and participating during focus groups;

- Your approach to collecting qualitative and quantitative data during focus groups;

- Your approach to translating qualitative and quantitative data into recommendations;

- A detailed timeline for the project, to be completed no later than April 30, 2023;

- A detailed budget for the project, not to exceed $15,000, including payment terms.

Please email your proposal to, no later than 5:00 pm MST on March 1, 2023.


January 27, 2023 - RFQ released

March 1, 2023 - RFQ due

March 15 – April 30, 2023 - Planning

March 2023 - Execution of work

April 2023 - Presentation of Findings to BOD

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